Working as a professional portrait and wedding photographer I often come across couples shining with happiness and almost ‘filled’ with passion. Lately it was the turn of Courtney and Kari, an American couple, whose feelings were not second to any other couple I have ever worked for but as a change from the usual routine they were both female. I’m proud to be a LGBT+ friendly photographer in Venice.
They got married in New York since the US state where they live does not allow same-sex weddings. After the ceremony they treated themselves with a romantic honeymoon trip to Venice and hired me for a honeymoon photo session.
I met them at Hotel Dell’Opera in the early afternoon and we walked throughout Dorsoduro district exploring some of the less known areas of Venice. The couple walked hand in hand, stopped to hug under arcades or rest together along the channels.
They also enjoyed a short break at a typical Venetian wine bar. Their faces and gestures showed plenty of tenderness and harmony…just like any other just-married couple I had previously captured in my photo portraits.
In the meanwhile light was turning softer and softer and I tried to make the most of it to get some romantic photographs. As the sunset fall down we stopped for a few more couple portraits in front of the Chiesa della Salute: the sky was turning darker and the couple seemed to fill the scene with the light of their passion…
If you want to ask for information or book a photo-session feel free to send me a message on Telegram or on Whatsapp