The 7 top posts for photographervenice blog in 2013 are…

find it out with this infografic!



This infographic shows the most popular posts for this year..what is your favourite?
Well it i time to check our results, isn’t it? This year the photographervenice blog increased its audience with many new followers and readers.  It really feels good to see you enjoyed our articles and photographs.

Which posts were the most successful ones? Could you guess it? As you can see from this infographic the most popular posts dealt with pre-wedding photo services, couple portraits, engagement photo sessions and honeymoon photo services. All of them captured with the magic background of Venice. But there was room for other kinds of photographs as well..if you wish to know more, just click on the images or titles of the infographic.

What about you? What was your most favourite post in 2013?

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