In springtime some blossoming flowers might add a colorful touch to couple photo shotings.

Venice is not that much a “green city”. Apart from the big public park “Giardini di Sant’Elena” in the Castello district, its green areas are mostly closed in private courtyards. Therefore, it is not easy to see green spots in the city.

Nevertheless, plants, flowers and trees are not completely absent and they might be used as interesting elements when shooting photo portraits in Venice.

Green elements might work as original frames in photo portraits in Venice

For instance, when I am hired as a photographer for wedding, engagement and honeymoon services, I often enjoy letting the couples playing with some of these green elements which add a touch of color and natural feeling to the shots.

Green elements are rare but useful elements in photo services in Venice

In springtime I also have the chance to shoot  a couple next to blooming flowers  which, needless to say, add to the photo portrait’s romantic flavor. My favorite ally in this challenge is the wisteria: Venice has many secret corners where you can see wisteria trees “pouring” down their lilac flowers like colorful bunch of grapes….just come to Venice for a photo portrait and I will show them to you!


For other examples of couple photo portraits in Venice see my website.

For further suggestions on Venice’s most interesting shooting settings see my ebook.


Arcades are interesting elements for photo portraits in Venice

Everyone knows that Venice is an ideal setting for photo shooting, especially for couples’ photo portraits.

This is obviously due to the city’s highly romantic atmosphere, the light effects created by water and its typical architectural elements such as bridges, narrow streets (called “calli” by Venetian people) along the channels and squares (“campi” in venetian dialect),

Needless to say I make the most of these elements on my shots when I work as a portrait photographer, especially in the case of honeymoon, wedding or engagement photo services.

A typical Venetian architectural element which is often ignored, or at least undervalued, by may photographer is the arcade (which is called “sottoportego” in Venetian dialect). Venice is full of small or big short or long arcades, which in most cases were built to offer a shelter from rain to passers-by.

couples hugging under an arcade are fine subjects for photo portraits in Venice

I used arcades several times during my photo shootings in Venice and found out they gave me a lot of setting possibilities, which were much appreciated by the couples I had to shoot.

In many cases I asked the couples to hide or kiss, or even to run towards each other under the arcade and they had a lot of fun!

couples might play and even jump under a Venetian arcade

I have my personal favourite arcades in Venice…let’s meet in Venice to show you them!

I even let the couples run under an arcade in Venice!


wounderful Venice setting shot by night
A nice shot of Venice by night taken after a couple portrait photo session

I once heard a renowned professional photographer giving young inexperienced would-be photographers an interesting advice: when you are hired for a photo shooting, first focus on the client, listen to and meet all his or her requests, then, take some more shots just for the fun of it.

In other words, once the work is over, start to work for yourself. In many cases, the photographer argued, the shots of the last phase turn out to be the most beautiful ones and even the clients’ favorite ones.    

I would call this “let the passion work for you”. Needless to say, I have my passion for photography contribute to all my photo services and, when I work in Venice, especially in the case of honeymoon, wedding and engagement photo shootings, the passion for Venice is also there.  

Anyway, I also enjoy shooting some photos just for the fun of it, planning to keep them for myself rather than selling them to the clients. Well, I must say that in many cases I really get great picks which are much appreciated by the customers.

Lately I was hired as a photographer for a couple photo portrait and, as we walked by the Ghetto Vecchio area, we came across some nice views of a Venice channel and bridge which I shot in the picture you see in this post. The photo was much praised by several clients…thanks to the power of passion!

For further examples of photo services in Venice see my website.



Natalia and Andrej, a just-married Russian couple, decided to spend their honeymoon in Venice and hired me for a photo shooting.

shooting on a bridge in Venice

Spontaneity, curiosity and youthful spirit characterized this couple in their mid-twenties and I was glad to follow their steps and looks during a relaxed photo walk with many steps in romantic spots.

shooting a couple portrait alongside a Venetian channel

They also had a nice idea: why not jumping on a gondola and going on with the shooting session on board? This gave them the opportunity to experience a traditional Venetian transport facility, and provided me with the chance to portray them with the unique background of the ancient Venetian palaces seen from the Canal Grande.

A nice and useful turn of perspective which resulted in some pleasant couple portraits of which you can see on my website.

For more shots of honeymoon photo sessions see my website’s specific section.

For some tips on photo portraits in Venice, see my dedicated ebook on Venice photo settings.

Shooting the couple under a Venetian porch

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