The plus of a pre-wedding photo service in Murano

glass baloons and a couple during pre-wedding photo service in murano
Glass art pieces, ancient palaces, narrow alleys, channels and a quiet atmosphere: the best allies for beautiful pre-wedding photos in Murano

Having a pre-wedding photo service in Venice is definitely a good idea. Thanks to such a unique environment, you will for sure get romantic photos with gorgeous background. However, if you are looking for a more creative, less touristic location ensuring similarly eye-catching result, there is a place I would recommend: Murano Island.

Murano is one of the three main islands in Venice lagoon with plenty of attractions for both tourists and Venetian people. As a professional pre-wedding photographer I can say that it also worked very well as a pre-wedding photos’ scenario with several engaged couples. Indeed, the island can offer many advantages to those couple looking for a kind of “rehearsal” of their wedding.

couple hug during pre-wedding photo service in Murano Venice
Murano is a kind of small-sized Venice, its secret “sister” ensuring perfect environment for romantic couple portraits
    1. A quiet and intimate environment: If you are not visiting Venice in the autumn or summer time, you might well meet crowds of people visiting the city. This is not the case in Murano, where you can always enjoy a much quieter atmosphere and get some taste of “real life” in Venice’s lagoon. You will meet much less tourists and much more children playing in the squares. This leave much more place for romantic couple portraits since couples can enjoy much more privacy and feel much more at ease in Murano’s streets and squares.

      couple pose on a bridge during pre-wedding photo session in murano
      Few tourists and real inhabitants: enjoy the real life on Murano island during a pre-wedding photo service
    2. The unique beauty of “tiny Venice”: even if it is not as famous as Venice, Murano sports the same kind of enchanting beauty you find in Venice. The architecture you find there is the same you find in the city: ancient palaces with chimneys, wooden window and terraces, arcades, channels and bridges…everything is much the same. Therefore the pre-wedding photos shot in Murano will really look the same as the ones one might take in Venice…with much less tourists walking in the background J
couple run during pre-wedding photo session in venice murano
Empty alleys and secret spots: Murano let couple enjoy perfect privacy during a couple photo service
  1. Glass treasures: Murano’s most famous attractions are the glass workshops which have been producing excellent glassware since centuries and are worldwide famous for their charming beauty. While walking along the streets during your pre-wedding photo service you might visit the workshops and even get captured with some beautiful glass jewel or artwork which can add a very creative and elegant touch to your couple portraits…and even take it with you to “decorate” your wedding :-)
couple sits in Murano during pre-weddding photo session venice
Sit down, relax and enjoy Murano’s secret beauty…and get captured in romantic pre-wedding photos!

Have a look at other examples of my pre-wedding photo services in Venice or contact me for your own pre-wedding photos in Murano.

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