Pre-wedding photos in Venice: with or without bridal gown?

couple kissing during pre-wedding photo service in Venice
A passionate kiss for a couple living a special chapter of their love story.

Lately two couples hired me for a prewedding photo service in Venice. Each couple had something different in mind and that’s why
the couple portaits I made do not look the same at all.

couple walking during pre-wedding photo service in Venice
A careless walk in the streets of Venice helped the couple to enjoy the romantic atmosphere without tension

The former couple used the pre-wedding photo session as a kind of ‘dress rehearsal’: they wore their wedding outfits, and walked along the streets of Venice as if it was their wedding day. The bride was perfectly made up, sport her gorgeous bridal gown, and had flowers in her hand. The groom was at least as elegant as the bride.

would-be bride wearing bridal gown during pre-wedding photo session in venice
Wearing her bridal dress for the first time made the would-be bride enjoy a special look at the world!

It was clear that  they were both very excited: the dresses and the background of Venice made them enjoy the special taste of the wedding day some time in advance. At the same time, their excitement was not disturbed by the wedding’s tension. They were filled with great joy without being nervous or worried about the wedding’s schedule. This is why their prewedding couple portraits look very romantic, sweet and intense.

couple kissing during prewedding photo session in venice
This couple walked along the alleys and squares of Venice in high spirits and the pre-wedding photos capture their passionate feelings at a special time

The latter couple instead used the prewedding photo session to get their love portrayed at a special time: a confident, strong kind of love waiting for its official recognition.
 They took a short holiday in Venice before getting married and wanted to keep a special souvenir of their feelings at this time.
The couple did not wear their wedding dresses but nevertheless sport very elegant outfits (she chose a black-and-white qipao recalling Asian women’s famous elegance; he wore a Classic black suit with a bow tie). Later they changed into a more informal outfit. This allowed them to feel at ease enough to have their passion freely flow out of their gestures and expressions. They felt at ease enough to  kiss and hug passionately, make jokes at each other, and even jump and dance in the streets!

couple kiss for pre-weddding portrait in venice
intense kisses and intense couple portraits for this couple in holiday in Venice

 Both couples now have  intense couple portraits with the romantic background of Venice which nevertheless differ for mood and atmosphere… Which ones do you prefer?
What about you? What kind of pre-wedding photos have you in 

couple portrait in venice at sunste
A confident look at the future and at the lagoon to complete a perfect pre-wedding photo session in Venice

Have a look at further examples of my pre-wedding sessions or contact me for your own Venice pre-wedding photography.

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