Couple photo portraits….in the light of passion!

Greek couple kissing during an elopement photo service in venice
Light playing with the couple’s hair add a romantic touch to couple photographs.

The aim of couple photographs is not only to portray the subjects’ outlook and personality. They also want to be a mirror of the couple’s feelings.

In most cases, couples hiring a photographer for engagement, wedding or honeymoon services are enjoying a magic mood: they look like as if they were ‘filled’ with love and happiness. Couple portraits might catch this mood and make it ‘eternal’ with images that will work as souvenirs of sweet moments.

Russian couple kissing during honeymoon photo service in Venice
Letting the light spontaneously flow into the picture help to get couple portraits filled with passion.

Many couples treating themselves with a photo walk or a couple portrait look so much in love with each other as if they were almost “enlightened” with passion. Photographs might try to reproduce this look by using natural light.

asian couple kissing during pre-wedding photo session in Venice
Light can be a great ally for romantic couple photographs.

The photographer might let the light spontaneously flow into the picture, taking most of the room in the picture or penetrating through the bodies of the couple or even having the rays of the sun piercing the couple’s hair.

couple hugging during pre-wedding photo session in Venice
Couple photographs using light as a major player mirror the subjects’ intense feelings

The results are photographs with couples…shining in the light of passion!

Have a look at further examples of my couple photo portraits.



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