The proper pair of shoes for a perfect photo shooting in Venice

bride takes off her shoes during wedding photo service in Venice
During the vow renewal photo shooting I did lately, the bride decided to change her shoes to walk on with a more comfortable pair

Most of the tourists visiting Venice are well aware of it: to enjoy a nice tour of the city, you should not forget a pair of comfortable shoes. Since Venice is no place for cars, anyone visiting it is almost doomed to walk along many alleys and through lots of arcades, going up and down many bridges..till your feet are burning!

Now, when I am hired as a photographer for engagement, honeymoon or wedding photo services in Venice, more often than not I meet people enjoying an elegant attire, be it their wedding dress or just a very nice suite. They understand the shooting as the chance to portray a very special situation and want to look as charming as possible.   

lady changing her shoes during a honeymoon photo shooting in Venice
During a honeymoon photo service I did for a Russian couple, the lady only wore her elegant pair of shoes for the best shots

This the reason why I often happen to shoot couple with very elegant shoes which in most cases are not really the most comfortable ones. This especially true as for women, who enjoy wearing high heels and elegant shoes during their wedding, honeymoon photo shooting or even during a simple couple photo session in Venice.  

bride posing with her elegant shoes during her honeymoon photo shooting in Venice
A young Russian bride that hired me for a honeymoon photo portrait, only wore her elegant shoes for some special poses.

Moreover, I like to propose my customers an informal photo walking tour in Venice which let them discover some hidden spots in Venice and gives me the chance to make some spontaneous and lively photo portraits.  Therefore it is not so uncommon that during the photo shootings I make in Venice the lady decides to change the shoes, wearing the elegant ones only from time to time when there is a need of a very elegant look. It also happen to me that elegant shoes were removed and the lady, who had not taken with her another pair, just decided to walk barefoot in the high water.  

bride walking barefoot in high water during honeymoon photo shooting in Venice
It also happened to me to shoot a bride taking off her elegant shoes to save them from high water in Venice and walking on barefoot!

So, if you ever plan to have a nice walking photo shooting in Venice, do not forget to take comfortable shoes with you!

For further example of couple photo sessions in Venice see my website.

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