Dancing in the high water: a very informal and creative honeymoon photo shooting in Venice

Beautiful Russian bride walks in high water during an informal photo walk in Venice
An informal photo walk in Venice might enclose many surprises: this young Russian bride enjoyed walking in the high water during her honeymoon photo service

As already said in many of my publications and posts, Venice is an ideal location for couple photo shooting, especially in the case of just-married couple portraits . And this is the case not only during sunny days in spring or summertime: Venice is worth a photo service even during rainy days.

Lately I had the chance to shoot a young Russian couple that, after getting married in Russia, enjoyed a honeymoon trip to Venice and hired me for an informal photo walk.

Well, it happened that the city had just been deeply soaked by the previous day’s rain and there were many large paddles in the squares and alleys as we walked by. It suddenly came to my mind that I could make the most of this unique situation, so typical of Venice: I asked the bride if she felt like taking her shoes off and walk barefoot along the road which she did quite gladly…I assume she did not want the water damage her nice shoes!

young Russian couple dancing in high water during their couple photo portrait in Venice
Once we reached Piazza San Marco at the end of our photo walking tour, I asked the couple to dance in the high water

Later, when we reached Piazza San Marco I suggested the couple to dance in the paddles that covered large sections of the square so that I could portray them with this famous background in a very special condition!

beautiful young couple jump in San Marco Square during an inforal photo shooting in Venice
The couple portrait ended up with the couple jumping and having much fun thanks to high water!

Luckily enough, and as it often happens in Venice, in many other areas of the city there was no sign of high water at all which allowed us to take more “classic” and “dry” shot in the rest of the honeymoon photo shooting.

couple hugging during an informal photo shooting in Venice
During our photo walk we could enjoy many “dry” areas with no sign of high water, where I could take some nice couple portraits.

For further examples of honeymoon shootings see my website.

post by Metella Iaconello

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