What do I mean by “a perfect informal photo walk in Venice”?

Yulia’s and Pavel’s photo portrait as fine example for a photo walking session in Venice

Russian couple sitting on a bench during their photo walking tour
Yulia and Pavel enjoyed a perfect photo walking tour with their honeymoon photographer in Venice

Yulia and Pavel, a young Russian couple who hired me as their a honeymoon photographer in Venice gave me the chance to enjoy a lively photo session which can well explain what I mean by “informal photo shooting”.

Pavel and Yulia discovering Venice in their photo walking tour
The couple enjoyed exploring Venice’s hidden spots while I was shooting original couple portraits

This is the kind of photo service I like to propose to most of my clients asking for a pre-wedding, destination wedding, honeymoon photo service, or just for a couple portrait in Venice. It basically means letting the couple careless strolling in the city, exploring its most hidden alleys, squares, perhaps relaxing for a while sitting on stairs or benches, resting in a café, or kissing under an arcade.

Yulia and Pavel on a dock during their honeymoon photo session in Venice
We also stopped in some romantic spots to make shots with more “classical” Venetian background

In the meanwhile I make the most of my camera, equipment and experience to get some high-quality shots of these moments without asking the couple to pose for most of the time we spend together. I let the couple discover by themselves and admire Venice’s different faces, sometime suggesting to have a look at my favorite secret spots or play with funny poses, like jumping o running towards each other.

Needless to say, we also stop in Venice’s most romantic spots to make some shots with “classical” backgrounds, like Rialto Bridge, San Marco Square or the Academia Bridge.

Yulia posing on Rialto bridge during her honeymoon photo service in Venice
Rialto Bridge was also included in our photo walking tour.

Yulia and Pavel enjoyed their photo walking tour very much, let themselves be amazed by the city and spontaneously played with me and with each other: the result is a series of funny, informal and original shots, alongside some more “standard” couple portraits in Venice.

What about you? Are you ready for your own informal photo walk in Venice?

Russian couple relaxing during their photo walking tour
During our photo walk I gave the couple the chance to rest and relax while I could shoot a nice picture with a great background

For further examples of couple portraits in Venice see my website,

or the collection of honeymoon lovestories on this blog.

Post by Metella Iaconello

A Colorful Photo Portray in Venice: Shooting a Jewish Couple in Traditional Attire

One of the most exciting thing about working as a photographer for couple photo portraits, honeymoon, wedding and engagement services in Venice is that it gives me the chance to work for different kinds of clients, coming from different countries and sharing different cultures.

couple hugging on Ponte di Rialto during an informal photo walk in Venice
The first phase of Irina’s and Simon’s couple photo service in Venice enclosed shots in some romantic spots.

It was a real pleasure to hired by Irina and Simon, a young Jewish couple, for shooting a photo portrait during their honeymoon in Venice.  While we were walking along alleys and squares to get romantic as well as informal shots, I enjoyed their sensitivity and refined taste, as well as the chance to learn a bit ore about their culture.

young couple posing in a café during a honeymoon photo shooting in Venice
I had the couple relax during some breaks in our informal photo walk in Venice to get them at ease with my presence and work.

In the first phase of our informal photo walk in Venice, they just behaved as most young couples in love: I had them hug, kiss, and dance in many nice Venetian spots, giving them the possibility to get familiar with my presence and work.

In the second phase of the couple photo shooting, they changed their attire and wore traditional Jewish suites which added a touch of color and a special exotic flavor to my shots.

Jewish couple in traditional attire posing during their honeymoon photo service in Venice
Irina and Simon changed their attire and wore tarditional Jewish dresses for the last part of our informal photo walk in Venice

In the meanwhile they had relaxed and were eventually feeling at ease in front of my camera and even felt confident enough to start dancing in a square. That’s why the shots of this phase look so intense and even a bit “exotic”…don’t you think?

Jewish couple in traditional attire dancing during a honemoon photo shooting in Venice
At the end of the couple photo shooting, Irina and Simon eventually felt at ease with my camera and even enjoyed dancing in a square.

For further examples of couple photo portraits in Venice see my website.

Post by Metella Iaconello.

A Surprising Honeymoon Photo Shooting in Venice: Dear Bride, Don’t touch the frog!

bride touching frog during honeymoon photo service in Venice
During her honeymoon photo service a bride was reproached by the watchmen for touching the statue at Punta della Dogana

I was lately hired as honeymoon photographer by a just-married Russian couple. The couple was spending a few days in Venice before leaving the city for a honeymoon cruise and wanted to have high-quality pictures of their stay.

We started our informal photo walk in the city, stopping in some romantic spots to shoot the couple and, in some cases, letting the bride posing alone.

Russian couple standing in Venice during honeymoon photo service
During our informal photo walk, I took some shots of the couple in some romantic spots in Venice

We arrived at the Chiesa della Salute and had some shots thereas well, with the couple sitting on the stairs or standing with the Canal Grande on the background.  

Russian couple sitting on stairs at Punta della Dogana
The couple sitting on the stairs of Chiesa della Salute church during their honeymoon photo service

Then, while I was not looking at her, the bride approached the statue of a young boy holding a frog which was standing there and touched the frog. Was she posing as Cinderella and trying to kiss and  turn it into Prince Charming?

In any case, she was immediately reproached by the statue’s watchmen.

As we later learnt, the statue is an important piece of art by the American artist Charles Ray sponsored by the tycoon François Pinault. Some critics find it a very creative piece of modern art, other consider it too provocative; some argue that the statue symbolize a look at the future, others argue that the frog hints to water, a key element in Venice … well, in my client’s eyes, it was just something like a toy to play with!

Russian bride touching frog in Venice
The bride touching the statue before being seen by the watchmen

It is so easy in Venice to let art enter as a key actor in your shots….

For more examples of couple photo portraits in Venice have a look at my web site.

post by Metella Iaconello

Dancing in the high water: a very informal and creative honeymoon photo shooting in Venice

Beautiful Russian bride walks in high water during an informal photo walk in Venice
An informal photo walk in Venice might enclose many surprises: this young Russian bride enjoyed walking in the high water during her honeymoon photo service

As already said in many of my publications and posts, Venice is an ideal location for couple photo shooting, especially in the case of just-married couple portraits . And this is the case not only during sunny days in spring or summertime: Venice is worth a photo service even during rainy days.

Lately I had the chance to shoot a young Russian couple that, after getting married in Russia, enjoyed a honeymoon trip to Venice and hired me for an informal photo walk.

Well, it happened that the city had just been deeply soaked by the previous day’s rain and there were many large paddles in the squares and alleys as we walked by. It suddenly came to my mind that I could make the most of this unique situation, so typical of Venice: I asked the bride if she felt like taking her shoes off and walk barefoot along the road which she did quite gladly…I assume she did not want the water damage her nice shoes!

young Russian couple dancing in high water during their couple photo portrait in Venice
Once we reached Piazza San Marco at the end of our photo walking tour, I asked the couple to dance in the high water

Later, when we reached Piazza San Marco I suggested the couple to dance in the paddles that covered large sections of the square so that I could portray them with this famous background in a very special condition!

beautiful young couple jump in San Marco Square during an inforal photo shooting in Venice
The couple portrait ended up with the couple jumping and having much fun thanks to high water!

Luckily enough, and as it often happens in Venice, in many other areas of the city there was no sign of high water at all which allowed us to take more “classic” and “dry” shot in the rest of the honeymoon photo shooting.

couple hugging during an informal photo shooting in Venice
During our photo walk we could enjoy many “dry” areas with no sign of high water, where I could take some nice couple portraits.

For further examples of honeymoon shootings see my website.

post by Metella Iaconello

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