Pre-wedding photo shooting for an Asian couple in Venice

Asian couple playing during their pre-wedding photo shooting in Venice
Alvan and Joyce, a couple from Hong Kong, enjoyed very much their pre-wedding photo service and tried different poses in many romantic spots of the city.

Pre-wedding photo shootings are getting more and more popular among couples from all over the world and are especially loved by Asian people. To ensure an exotic background to their couple photo portraits, the bride and groom leave their city or country and enjoy a short holiday in a romantic environment. There they hire a professional photographer based in Venice and have themselves shot in romantic spots, in most cases wearing their wedding suite.

Hong Kong couple shot during a pre-wedding photo service in Venice
The bride and groom played with each other on the gorgeous background provided by Venice’s channels and alleys.

As the couple is shot by themselves, without relatives and close friends, bride and groom are usually more relaxed and prone to spontaneously express their feelings. At the same time they are usually very excited due to the new environment and the chance they have to taste in advance the delights of the wedding day: make-up, bridal fitting, photo shooting, etc.



Asian couple enjoying a couple photo portrait in Venice
The couple enjoyed a relaxed atmosphere while experiencing a professional photo service, which might have helped them later during their wedding photo shooting.

A nice example of a beautiful pre-wedding photo service is the one I shot for this young couple from Hong Kong: Alvan and Joyce enjoyed a short holiday in Venice before getting married and treated themselves with a pre-wedding photo service. This allowed them to get acquainted with their beautiful wedding suites, discover the city in both its most romantic spots and less famous areas, try different poses and play with each other.

I guess this helped them a lot during their wedding photo shooting back in Hong Kong, making them feel more at ease with the photographer’s work.






Asian couple shot in Piazza San Marco in Venice during a pre-wedding shooting
Alvan and Joyce changed their clothes in the evening and enjoyed some more elegant and funny couple shots in Venice

They also took the chance to change their clothes and wear another elegant suite in the evening.

This gave me the chance to shoot some more couple photographs with the bride and the groom looking like much more relaxed in very intense or funny shots.

For further examples of pre-wedding photo shootings see my website.  Or read more about me as a photographer in Venice.








Asian couple shot in Venice during a pre-wedding photo service
At the end of our photo shooting in Venice we made some romantic couple photographs at sunset time.

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